
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
5071 978-979-692-119-5 Never Give Up: Melejitkan Potensi Diri dan Semangat Berprestasi 155.25 FAQ n Remaja Rosdakarya 2012 Bandung
5072 978-602-02-9958-7 Never Less Than A Lady 813 MAR n Elex Media Komputindo 2017 Jakarta
5073 New Electric Science Dictionary 621.310 3 n Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. 1977 Indianapolis
5074 0-8039-2785-1 New Electronic Pathways, Videotex, Teletext, and Online Databases 005.74 AUM n Sage Publications Inc. 1987 London
5075 New Technology and The Journalist 070 WIN n A Thomson Foundation Publication 1976 Inggris
5076 0-393-95759-4 New Worlds of Literature 810.80054 BEA n W.W. Norton & Company 1989 New York
5077 9971-905-10-8 News Flows in Asia, a study of 10 countries 070.5 SCH n Parklane Press 1983 Singapura
5078 0-312-57205-0 News Reporting and Writing 070.43 BRO n ST. Martin`s Press 1985 New York
5079 0-07-230011-6 News Reporting and Writing (Melvin Mencher) 070.43 MEN n McGraw-Hill, Inc 2000 Boston
5080 0-89391-136-4 Newspaper Use and Community Ties, Toward a Dynamic Theory 302.232 2 STA n Ablex Publishing Corporation 1985 New Jersey
halaman dari 843 tampilkan per halaman 5071 - 5080 dari 8.428