Detail Buku

Sustainable Environmental Management Lessons From Indonesia

Ralph Lenz
Jatna Supriatna
Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 2022
xvi+644 hlm.; 16x24 cm.; illus.

The climate change threat at present has reached a critical stage. The development of the world today is threatened, as the whole world, including Indonesia, is facing three crisis, namely the economic crisis post COVID-19 Pandemic, energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, and lastly the climate crisis. Many world leaders are unaware of the severity of the threat of climate change which has now transformed into a climate crisis. The derivative of the climate crisis will not only contribute to worsening of the economic crisis and energy crisis but will quickly shifted into a biodiversity catastrophe, drinking water scarcity, and the global hunger crisis. In turn, a political crisis might arose in the form of a denial of the government’s authority which was deemed unable to overcome these crises. This bleak picture requires a thorough study and solution that is effective but at the same time reaches sustainability and penetrates the future. We are blessed to read Prof. Jatna and Prof. Lenz’s Masterpiece (Magnus Opus) in the form of a book with more than 600 pages that relate to these problems and crises in a series of meanings. We should salute them for providing a clear and comprehensive picture of the interrelationships between regions, disciplines, and elements, both in terms of origin and the possibility of solving the problem. The presentation is presented comprehensively without letting go of the details and context regarding sustainability and the global picture. I am sure that many people, especially those in a strong position, can benefit and be given references from the essential things presented in this book, the great work of both authors, which I am proud of. //ir

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