Law of Mass Communications : Freedom and Control of Print and Broadcast Media |
Table of Contents :
- Principles and Development of Freedom of Expression
- Rights in Conflict with Free Expression
- For The Greatest Good : Communications Law and The Public Interest,...//YnR
Sumbangan dari Asia Foundations, Tahun 1985 = 1 eks. |
ISBN | |
No |
Barcode |
Register |
Lokasi |
Status |
1 |
0000009195 |
1-14 |
C.5 |
Ada |
No |
Pengarang |
Jabatan |
1 |
Harold L. Nelson |
Pengarang |
2 |
Jr. Teeter |
Pengarang |
No |
Subyek |
1 |
No |
Kata Kunci |
-- data tidak ditemukan -- |
Asal | Amerika |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Jenis | Umum |
Penerbit | The Foundation Press, Inc. |
Kota Terbit | New York |
Tahun | 1973 |
Call Number | 343.730.99 NEL l |
Kolasi | xv+713 hlm.; 17,5x26 cm |
Edisi | Second Edition |
Bibliografi | Ada |
Halaman | 660 |
Indeks | Ada |
Relesase | Ya |
Jumlah Eks | 1 |