Achieving Educational Excellence |
Contents :
- How Educational View of Excellence Is Determinde
- Why Traditional Views of Excellence Are Counterproductive
- Excellence as The Development of Human Talent
- Expanding the Quantity and Quality of Educational Opportunities
- Rewarding Good Teaching and Improving Teacher Quality
- Student Involvement: The Key to Effective Education
- Practical Steps for Involving Students and Developing Their Tallents
- The Changing College Student: Challenges Facing American Higher Education,...//Yeni
The Jossey-Bass higher education series |
Sumbangan Asia Foundation Tahun 1994 = 1 eksemplar |
ISBN | 0-87589-636-7 |
No |
Barcode |
Register |
Lokasi |
Status |
1 |
0000009310 |
1205 |
C |
Ada |
No |
Pengarang |
Jabatan |
1 |
Alexander W. Astin |
Pengarang |
No |
Subyek |
1 |
No |
Kata Kunci |
-- data tidak ditemukan -- |
Asal | Amerika |
Bahasa | Inggris |
Jenis | Umum |
Penerbit | Jossey-Bass Publishers |
Kota Terbit | San Francisco |
Tahun | 1985 |
Call Number | 378.73 AST a |
Kolasi | xxii+254 hlm.; 16x23 cm. |
Edisi | - |
Bibliografi | Ada |
Halaman | 229 |
Indeks | Ada |
Relesase | Ya |
Jumlah Eks | 1 |