The Sixth edition of this book covers the key topics in computer organization and embedded systems. It presents hardware design principles and shows how hardware design is influenced by the requirements of software. The book is suitable for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering majors and coputer science specialists. It is intended for a firsf course in computer organization and embedded systems. The book features a balanced approach to all aspects of modern computer design-processor, input/output memory, and interconnection standards. The focus in on the design of complete systems, both generalpurpose computers and embedded systems. The material reflects the present state of computer technology. To illustrate the general concepts, successful commrcial processors-Nios II, ARM, ColdFire, and Intel IA-32-are described in separate appendices. The book is self-contained. It is intended primarily for students who have already had a course in the design of logic circuits. For students without such a background, a comprehensive appendix on logic circuits is included. //ir