
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
8421 978-1-617290-06-0 Well-Grounded Java Developer 005.11 EVA w Manning 2013 New York
8422 978-1-78157-146-0 What they didn’t teach you in design school 155.25 PHI w ILEX 2014 Lawes, East Essex
8423 9-917616-43-3 What's News The Media In American Society 302.23 ABE w Institute For Contemporary Studies 1981 San Francisco
8424 0-89391-207-7 When Telephones Reach the Village, The Role of Telecommunications in Rural Development. 384.091 734 HUD w Ablek Publishing Corporation 1984 New Jersey
8425 978-602-02-9921-1 When The Duke Was Wicked 813 HEA w Elex Media Komputindo 2014 Jakarta
8426 White Jacket; or, the World in a Man-of-War 823.5 MEL w Wentwort Press 1922 London; Bombay; Sidney
8427 978-602-02-6931-3 Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens: Cara yang Luar Biasa untuk Berubah, dan Menang! 155.25 JOH w Elex Media Komputindo 2015 Jakarta
8428 978-602-02-4233-0 Who Wants To Be An Entrepreneur. Pegawai Juga Bisa Jadi Pengusaha 338.04 BEN w PT. Elex Media Komputindo 2014 Jakarta
8429 0-379-20684-6 Who's On Time 920.009 04 LEH w Oceana Publications, Inc. 1977 USA
8430 978-602-03-1077-0 Whole Brain Power: Kekuatan Menggabungkan Dua Otak 152.3 MAK w PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2014 Jakarta
halaman dari 851 tampilkan per halaman 8421 - 8430 dari 8.501