
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
8341 Encyclopedia 0f World Drama Volume 2 809.2(032) MCG e McGraw-Hill, Inc 1972 New York
8342 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Animal Kingdom, Volume 20 590.3 KON t The Danbury Press 1972 New York
8343 0-07-079567-3 Encyclopedia 0f World Drama Volume 3 809.2(032) MCG e McGraw-Hill, Inc 1972 New York
8344 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Animal Kingdom, Volume 19 590.3 KON t The Danbury Press 1972 New York
8345 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Animal Kingdom, Volume 18 590.3 KON t The Danbury Press 1972 New York
8346 0-13-953795-3 Understanding Movies 791.450.232 GIA u Prentice - Hall, Inc. 1972 New Jersey
8347 Centrifugal Pumps and Blowers 621.61-67 CHU c Robert E. Kriger Publising Company 1972 New York
8348 07-047650-0 Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation 621.381 OLI e McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd. 1971 Tokyo
8349 The Truth About CB Antennas 621.384.135 ORR t Radio Publications, Inc 1971 Wilton, Coon
8350 08-016382-3 Applied Electromagnetism 621.34 HAM a Pergamon Press, Ltd. 1971 New York
halaman dari 851 tampilkan per halaman 8341 - 8350 dari 8.501