
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
8491 978-0-07-35-2500-6 Law, Business, & Society 346.73065 MCA l McGraw-Hill Irwin 2012 New York
8492 978-0-07-353590-6 Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues 170 RUG t McGraw-Hill 2012 New York
8493 0-07-010662-2 Electric Machinery Fundamentals 621.310 42 CHA e McGraw-Hill Book Company 1985 New York
8494 978-0-07-340674-0 Speak Well 808.51 LIZ s McGraw-Hill 2013 New York
8495 978-0-7897-4311-4 Microsoft Word 2010 in Depth 005.5 WEM m Que 2011
8496 Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan (UU No. 13/2003) 331.(340) TUN u Harvarindo 2004
8497 978-602-8335-94-2 Sejarah Asia Tenggara Modern dari Penjajahan Ke Kemerdekaan 959 SUD s Ombak 2015
8498 Journal of Game Design and Development Education ISSUE I 2011 004.05 JAC j Rochester Institute of Technology, and individual authors 2011
8499 978-979-1090-84-1 cPanel Panduan Untuk Web Master 004.678 ERI c Jasakom 2014
8500 Animation Studies Online Journal Volume 9 Dec 2014 004.05 WAL a Peer-reviewed Open Access Online Journal for Animation History and Theory 2014
halaman dari 851 tampilkan per halaman 8491 - 8500 dari 8.501