
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
31 978-0-07-338516-7 Public Speaking for College & Career 808.51 GRE p McGraw-Hill 2010 New York
32 978-0-07-340593-0 Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader 808.0427 SEY r McGraw-Hill 2012 New York
33 978-0-07-802929-5 Strategic Management: Planning for Domestic & Global Competition 658.4012 PEA s McGraw-Hill Irwin 2013 New York
34 978-0-07-35-2500-6 Law, Business, & Society 346.73065 MCA l McGraw-Hill Irwin 2012 New York
35 978-0-07-340674-0 Speak Well 808.51 LIZ s McGraw-Hill 2013 New York
36 978-0-415-66294-9 Digital Innovations for Mass Communications: Engaging the User 302.23 LES d Routledge 2014 New York
37 Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 536.2 OBE e McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1962 New York
38 978-1503261389 Dracula 823 STO d Create Space Independent Publishing Platform 2014 New York
39 978-0-07-340681-7 Interviewing: Principles and Practices 158.39 STE i McGraw-Hill 2011 New York
40 978-602-6673-30-5 Wisang Geni: Sang Penakluk Pandawa Lima 306.5982 ARI w Pustaka Jawi 2017 Bantul
halaman dari 851 tampilkan per halaman 31 - 40 dari 8.501