
Aksi No ISBN Judul Call Number Penerbit Tahun Kota
51 978-0-07-351232-7 Woman’s Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Reading 305.42 SUS w McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011 New York
52 978-0-07-338149-7 Organizational Behavior : Human Behavior at Work 302.35 JOH o McGraw-Hill Irwin 2011 New York
53 978-1512308051 Frankenstein 398.20942 MAR f CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2015 New York
54 0-07-013510-X Differential Equations for Engineers 515.35 THO d McGraw-Hill, Inc 1978 New York
55 978-1-4614-1841-2 Spatial AutoRegression (SAR) Model Parameter Estimation Techniques 512.943 4 BAR s Springer 2012 New York
56 978-0-07-337862-6 Elementary Classroom Management : Lessons from Research and Practice 372.073 CAR e McGraw-Hill, Inc 2011 New York
57 0-07-051053-9 A Pole Apart: The Emerging Issue of Antartica 341.2909989 QUI a McGraw-Hill Book Company 1983 New York
58 0-07-021145-0 Electric Machinery 621.310 42 FIT e McGraw-Hill Book Company 1983 New York
59 978-0-07-340753-1 Ethics For Life: A Text With Readings 170 JUD e McGraw-Hill, Inc 2011 New York
60 An Outline of American History 970 UNI a United States Information Agency 0000 New York
halaman dari 851 tampilkan per halaman 51 - 60 dari 8.501